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Why Apple rejects any app in App Store? 9 things you should know about.

Since mobile apps are becoming an integral part of businesses, mobile application development companies are demanded to work round the clock to fulfil growing user demands. On the other hand, it has been very difficult for the app distribution platforms like Android Play Store and iOS App Store to evaluate each and every element in the app. So they have implemented specific guidelines and ground rules for the developers to consider before submitting their app to the app store.

Apple is known for strict standards for evaluating a mobile app which is submitted to its app store. There are more than 1 million apps in the apps store, and passing through the app review process is not an easy task. It is very common in the app store for apps to be rejected that are not up to standards. So works of iOS application development companies India undergo extensive review process in the app store.

Apple has released the list of common reasons why an app is rejected in the app store to help developers. Let’s see the reasons for an app to get rejected in the app store.

Description flaws:

App description plays a very important role in the app store to make reviewers understand it. The description and screenshots create a positive impact on your app. So the description should be accurate and talk about the app’s functionality. Misleading the reviewers with negative info will lead your app into rejection.

Loading time:

Loading time of the app is a very important parameter that is considered by all the major app store. iOS limits loading time for 15 seconds for any app they evaluate. More than that will be rejected by the app store. Loading time of the app is the first thing that helps impress users.

Crashes that occur because of denying permission:

Most of the apps ask permission to access some sort of information of the users like contacts, and gallery, etc. When the user denies the permissions, there are chances for app getting crashed. Apple requires the app to be continued even the permission has been rejected by the users. So it is the responsibility of developers to test all the combinations in the permission before launching in the app store.

App Storage:

App storage is another important parameter that is considered by the App Store when evaluating the app. According to the guidelines of the Apple, any data can be regenerated but cannot be backed up because it can be easily downloaded from the server. So the app should have “No Backup Option” to get selected in the app store.

App Advertisement issues:

An application that is submitted to the app store will be asked whether the app uses advertisement identifier to display the ads or not. If you mention that your app uses the advertisement identifier but won’t have display ads, then your app will be rejected. To overcome this issues, the app should be rechecked in different devices to check whether the ads are working properly or not.

Logo and Trademark misuse:

According to the apple guidelines, logo and trademark of the Apple Company should not be used in the app. If it is used so, it is considered as the violation of the app store guidelines and your apps will be rejected. Apple also rejects the app that have used trademark in keywords. So developers should be careful when setting the keywords for the app.

Complicated apps:

Apps should be easily accessible and easily understandable to the users. In fact, users do not prefer to use the apps that are too complicated. So Apple considers this issue and rejects the apps that looks complicated and needs more navigations to reach the required destinations. So developers should ensure that the navigation and functionalities are made as simple as possible.

Copying and Imitating apps:

Copying and imitating other apps is one of the big mistakes normally done by the app developers. Apple already has many similar apps in its app store so it has rejected hundreds of apps due to the lack of originality and uniqueness. So the developer should be able develop the app with unique design to get accepted by the app store.

Payment Scheme:

Apple allows all the payments related to the app through i-Tunes only. If your app is linked with other payment schemes and accepts other payment options, your app will be definitely rejected.

The above guidelines were released by Apple to help developers avoid rejection. So many Application development companies are strictly following the guidelines of App Store in order to escape from the Apple’s rejection.

Looking to develop an App?

If you are looking to develop an iPhone app for your business, FuGenX can be the right destination. FuGenX is an emerging mobile application development company India that has developed top-notch apps that are already trending in the app store without any issues.

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